
I have been very interested in the field of biochemistry, and particularly nanotechnology, genetics, and medicine. I took part in 2020-2021 Cancer and Evolution conferences and Ellison Institute Insights Forums. I hope to be able to contribute to global health by conducting further research into diseases such as cancer and am currently pursuing postgraduate cancer studies in line with this goal. 

This is my 2022 Cancer Prevention PPT, the PDF version, the PDF of notes and references, and my Cancer Prevention slideshow (the associated webpage).  

In 2017, I was considering an MSc in Chemistry. Here’s my page about that.
I discovered that biochemistry is a great field blending my Chemistry and Biology interests.

In 2018 I put out a call for a “co-author (MA/PhD Biologist, Chemist, etc.)” saying,
“I hope to match up with an expert in the field of Biology to help me appeal to the BC Ministry of Education and the people of BC regarding advancing the high school Biology curriculum. My MA is in Education, so I’d like to find a MA or PhD Biologist, Chemist, Biochemist, or some related scientific field, interested in co-authoring short publications and newspaper articles designed for a range of audiences from academics within the field to the public at large.
“The challenge to Darwinism is not treated lightly by materialists or conservatives – the paradigm shift requires quite a leap from what our generation has been told about evolution, so I hope to present a solid case.”

I am happy to report that I have found a co-author in 2019 and we have been preparing a publication which is been improving and undergoing revision ever since.

Here is our abstract:


“Dr. Alex Appiah, BSc., PGCE, PhD. Molecular Biology, London
Paul Blois, BSc., BEd., Simon Fraser University, MEd., Royal Roads University[*]


“We have conducted an extensive literature review of the case for and against neo-Darwinian evolution by natural selection. We have also evaluated life sciences curricula across the globe in the light of new paradigms and the accumulated body of scientific and logical evidence about the flaws of neo-Darwinian concepts. We call for an urgent review of life sciences curricula to reflect wider and equally valid thoughts about the evolutionary changes taking place over time due to the forces of nature. In line with the progressive, open-minded nature of science, we call for a move away from dogmatic acceptance of neo-Darwinism as the only plausible explanation of evolutionary change. Biology curricula should present the facts and evidence both for and against neo-Darwinian evolution. The evidence we present bears serious implications in fields of health, in particular the fight against malaria and cancer.

[*] The corresponding author’s e-mail is

Note: I am not advocating for Intelligent Design to be taught in public high-schools at this time. Intelligent Design refers to the theory that the information and design found in nature serves as evidence pointing to an intelligent designer.

That said, design in nature has been and continues to be readily apparent.
I hope you enjoy this review of historical perspectives in the field:
The Evolution of Evolution Theory (an introductory PPT)

If you want to learn more about Intelligent Design, I recommend the Discovery Institute’s reading material and online courses. The courses are high-quality, offer certificates of completion, and two of them are free. A great book covering both sides of the debate is Evolution 2.0 by Perry Marshall.

In 2021 I completed the IB DP Biology Cat. 2 course.

Here are some Life Science curriculum resources that I put together:

IB DP Biology SL & HL PPT Introduction & Overview
IB Biology Syllabus
IB Biology Topic 5 MRSA Worksheet
IB Biology Topic 6 Lesson Plans
IB Biology Topic 7 Lesson Plans
IB Biology Topic 10 Lesson Plans
IB Biology Topic 11 Lesson Plans

Primordeal Soup Hypothesis Worksheet
Bill Nye Greatest Discoveries in Genetics Transcript
Randomness does not explain origin Transcript & Worksheet

Molecular Machines Transcript & Worksheet
Molecular Machines Quiz
Microbiology Unit Test

Biology 11 Midterm on Taxonomy, Genetics & Microbiology

Immune System Drama Introduction
Immune System Drama Script
Behavioral Ecology Quiz